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Wholesale Book Requests

Holly Simon offers wholesale to qualifying businesses!

Production takes 1-3 weeks to print books

  • UPS Standard Delivery Shipping (4-6 business days)
  • Note: UPS can't service P.O. Boxes, APO or FPO
  • At this time I can't ship wholesale Internationally

​Books sets of 20: $25 per set for Shipping

The order minimum is 20 books for $12 a book plus shipping.

Step 2:  Please email us at your business name, address, phone number and how many book sets of 20 you would like. Please upload a copy of your valid seller's permit or sales tax documentation and if you are tax exempt.

After approval, you will get an email confirmation that we made your account. We will then send you a payable invoice.

We look forward to working with you!